Support Case Study – Riverford – Sally Beare

Lockdown, for most people, has meant adapting to life spent largely at home. It’s been tough for many of us, but there have also been some positives, including having the time to cook and eat from scratch. One of our Fixio Business Support clients, Sally Beare, of Riverford’s organic fruit & veg box delivery service, knows only too well – she saw demand for her boxes climb steeply in the first lockdown and stay high throughout 2020 and into 2021.

Sally and her team of drivers are out and about every day, delivering to customers at addresses in the towns and outlying villages of Kent and Sussex. We caught up with her to find out how Fixio has supported her during lockdown – and why she wouldn’t be without the £29 monthly plan.

What prompted you to start using Fixio Business Support?

When I took over the Riverford franchise in 2017, I knew I’d need some kind of IT support, just to get me started really – and since I’d bought a new Mac through Fixio (and since moved all the drivers over to iPads for their delivery paperwork) they were the obvious choice. Three years later, I honestly wouldn’t be without them!

How often do you use the plan?

It’s not a case of using it regularly – in fact, I might go for months without needing it – but it’s the convenience of knowing that someone (usually Dave!) is there on the end of the phone and on the occasions when I do need to use it, it’s always brilliant value.

How have you used the plan recently?

I’ve moved house twice in the past couple of years and both times I had to change broadband provider. I couldn’t afford any down time or to be without email, so Dave guided me through the process, step by step. More recently, I was having trouble with my scanner, so I called him and using Team Viewer, we were able to share screens remotely. Not only did he diagnose the problem and sort it – he was able to explain in simple terms what he’d done, so that if it happens again, I can probably fix it myself.

Would you recommend Fixio to other business owners?

Absolutely! Not only does it ensure the smooth running of my business, Dave and his team are always so calm and patient. It’s so easy to panic if something goes wrong with IT because everything rides on it and some of us only have a basic understanding of it but knowing I can call on the Fixio team to sort it out, is just brilliant.

Now, more than ever, businesses need to stay open and run smoothly without the headache and cost that unexpected downtime can bring. Fixio’s range of flexible Business Support plans offer speedy, expert help to organisations of all sizes, types and budget, so they can focus on what’s important. Give us a try and enjoy a free 30-day trial.

Riverford was established in 1987 and delivers organic fruit and vegetables from its farms in the UK and France, providing customers with the best of the season. For more information visit their website.


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